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  • Writer's picture Caitlin of Caitlin Live

Post-Workout Take 5: Three Stretches for Tight Hip Flexors & Hamstrings

Hello runners and all of you who are spending too much time sitting at your desks. If you find your front of your hips (hip flexors) and back of your legs (hamstrings) are aching, these three stretches are for you.

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

Step 1: Kneel on the back of your yoga mat or other padded surface

Step 2: Step forward with your right leg and press forward with both hips

Notice that my hip is staying relatively stacked over my back knee as I press both hips forward in the left picture.

Bonus to Stretch More:

Go deeper by lifting your left arm overhead and leaning over to your right.

Tibialis Anterior Stretch

In the picture on the left you will see the tibialis anterior stretch. Runners in particular will benefit from this stretch as it works to stretch the muscles on the front of your shin.

  1. Start from the ending position of the Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

  2. Place your hands on the ground on either side of your right foot.

  3. Keep your toe pointed as much as possible as you straighten your leg and bend forward.

  4. Hold for 4 deep breaths.

Hamstrings Stretch

In the picture on the right is the kneeling hamstrings stretch. The slight shift of pointing your toes towards your body instead of down towards your mat or floor shifts the stretch into your hamstrings.

  1. Begin from the ending position of the Tibialis Anterior Stretch.

  2. Flex your ankle so your toe is pointing up.

  3. Keep both hips facing forward towards your foot as you straighten your leg and bend forward.

  4. Hold for 4 deep breaths and release


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