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  • Writer's picture Caitlin of Caitlin Live

15 Minute Kettlebell Workouts

Kettlebells are one of my favorite pieces of workout equipment for their versatility and ease of use in building strength. For an introduction to working with kettlebells or to explore more ways to incorporate them in your strength work, check out the Kettlebell Tabata Trainer App by lolo.

The app developer lolo has created several of my favorite fitness apps to recommend to clients including this Kettlebell Tabata Trainer App. The app will scale your workouts based on the ability level you select and if you have one or two kettlebells available. I recommend choosing their 15 minute option for incorporating strength work into your day. The shorter 15 minute time frame makes for a condensed but not less intense workout.

If you don’t yet have kettlebells in your toy box of at-home workout equipment you can purchase them anytime in my SPRI Advanced Box. Chat with me during your next session about what weight is right for you.



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